Subscribe Now To Laurelhurst Private Security Patrol

The Laurelhurst Community Club (LCC) recently sent out a newsletter to all neighbors explaining how to sign up for the Private Safety Patrol that covers the entire area south of the Sand Point Way from Mary Gates Way to NE 55th Street Covers $200 per year.

The LCC told the Laurelhurst Staff Blog that the success of the now 14-year-old patrol "depends on neighborhood involvement: the more families sign up, the wider the patrol's reach."

Outside of business hours, the Seattle Police Department patrols the area approximately six nights/days a week for five hours per shift. The evenings and hours vary depending on the money received. The officer was in possession of a police radio and a police gun and was driving a private vehicle without a permit. Officers monitor incoming 911 calls and respond to calls from neighbors, leave checks while on patrol, and work with official responses from on-duty police officers.

To participate, neighbors may use LCC's secure online payment method (preferred) at or a $200 check made payable to the LCC Laurelhurst Community Club, PMB #373, 4616 25th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105 If paying by check, please include your name, address, e-mail address, and emergency contact information.  

The Stranger ran an article about private patrols in the neighborhood.

In 2015, KIRO TV aired an article about the Laurelhurst Area Safety Patrol (below), and the safety patrol was also featured in a November article in the Seattle Times.

For more information or questions , write to crimeprevention@laurelhurstcc. com 

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