All About Barred Owls

Here is the latest article United Bay Watch Blog posted Larry Hubble , longtime local photographer and bird watcher.

Owl tails

Very young barred owls are incredibly cute and very vulnerable. When they first leave the nest, they usually fly. As they learn, they often drop to the ground, where they become targets for coyotes, raccoons, and even free-roaming pets.

Their only recourse is to wander down to the base of the tree and scramble out, one vertical step at a time. Their sharp claws help them walk mainly on tree trunks . It is a slow and intense process. They often stop to rest. Sometimes they use their accounts to speed up their ascension.

I suspect this young owl was using its wings for balance instead of lifting them . (It was the first time I had seen a barred owl hug trees.)

Finally, the owl sprouted a very large horizontal branch. The large, flat branches hidden under the thick canopy are some of the safest places for young owls. They also make some nice tables. The mid-level branches of the broadleaf maples in the Arboretum are used as feeding platforms by Barred Owls, Cooper's Hawks and Common Crows.

The short white-tipped feathers towards the center of the bird are the owl's tail. I think the tail is an inch or two long. I don't know the exact amount of live growth. However, later in this article we will see photographs showing the rapid elongation of the tail feathers as the chicks leave the nest .

Parents keep an eye on their children.

In this case, the adults were paying close attention to Cooper's hawks, which were screaming at the top of their lungs from nearby trees.

Finally, one of the adults grew impatient and chased away the noisy young falcon.

This young Cooper's Hawk was swaddled at its natal nest in Miller Park this past July. Thanks to Martin, Ed and Patty who run Urban Raptor Conservation. They have been calling hunters around the city for years, developing and sharing an incredible wealth of knowledge. To learn more, visit their website: Urban Raptor Conservancy .

The young owl turns and goes to its parent.

Both parents were usually in the tree, but had to leave to get food.

Can you tell me what's on the menu? (The answer is given below).

Owls need a constant supply of food. They don't seem to pay much attention to the species.

After several exploratory bites, the owl attempted to swallow the bird's carcass.

Do not try this at home. We are simply not prepared for this approach to eating food. This makes eating much faster and safer for hunters. They eat their food quickly, leave digestion for a long time and avoid discomfort.

Again and again he threw his head back. Slowly, millimeters at a time, Spotted Towie's body began its final descent.

Bones, flesh, feathers and legs go together. Subsequently, the undigested parts explode.


Thanks to everyone who gave me hints that helped me find the owls. Roy, Ron, Tom, Bethany, Mindy and Dan are listed. (If I miss your name, sorry for my lack of memory.) All your help is greatly appreciated.


A week later I finally found two more young owls in a pair of berries in the next area north.

Note that this juvenile owl's tail is significantly longer than the owl in previous photos, although it is still shedding the soft white feathers of a juvenile.

I think he has been out of the nest for at least three or four weeks. It already flies, but learning to hunt takes time.

When the parent eats breakfast, the adult picks up the crumbs and eats most of the food before finding the owl.

The young owl gladly accepted the food. It seems that the small offering was not enough to satisfy his hunger. The adult must walk a fine line between helping the young survive and not reducing their motivation to hunt. During the winter the cubs are alone and their survival largely depends on their hunting skills.

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